
You control how views of your components are created in the Sitecore Commerce Business Tools by adding attributes to your component. Below you will find the attributes you can use.

There are two types of attributes:

Class Attributes

The following attributes can be added to the Component class.


Add the EntityViewAttribute to a class to indicate the class should be added as an entity view in the BizFx tools and set a user friendly view name.

Parameter Description
ViewName Name of the view. This name is shown in the Business Tools


Add the AddToAllEntityTypesAttribute to a component class to specify the component should be added to all entity types.


    public class NotesComponent : Sitecore.Commerce.Core.Component
        [Property("External Notes", isRequired: true, showInList: true)]
        public string ExternalNotes { get; set; } = string.Empty;

        [Property("Internal Notes")]
        public string InternalNotes { get; set; } = string.Empty;


Add the AddToEntityTypeAttribute to a component class to specify the component should be added to a specific entity type. You specify the entity type in the entityType parameter.

Parameter Description
entityType Entity type to add the component to. The following entity types are supported: Catalog, Category, Customer, InventorySet, Order, PriceBook, PriceCard, PromotionBook, Promotion, SellableItem.


    public class NotesComponent : Sitecore.Commerce.Core.Component
        [Property("External Notes", isRequired: true, showInList: true)]
        public string ExternalNotes { get; set; } = string.Empty;

        [Property("Internal Notes")]
        public string InternalNotes { get; set; } = string.Empty;

The following attributes are specific to sellable items. Using these attributes you can specify to which sellable items the component is added.


Add the AddToItemDefinitionAttribute to a component class to specify the item definition name this component should be added to.

Parameter Description
ItemDefinition Name of the item definition for which to add this component to a sellable item
addToSellableItem Indicates whether the component should be added to the sellable item(AddToSellableItem.SellableItemOnly), the variant (AddToSellableItem.VariantOnly) or both (AddToSellableItem.SellableItemAndVariant, default).


Use the AddToSellableItemAttribute to a component to add the component to all sellable items.

Parameter Description
addToSellableItem Indicates whether the component should be added to the sellable item(AddToSellableItem.SellableItemOnly), the variant (AddToSellableItem.VariantOnly) or both (AddToSellableItem.SellableItemAndVariant, default).

Property Attributes

The following attributes can be added to properties.


Add a PropertyAttribute to each property of the class you want to be visible in the entity view in the Merchandising Manager.

Parameter Description
DisplayName Name of the property shown in the Merchandising Manager. Default: Empty string.
UIType The UIType sets the control type that will be rendered on the entity view. Default: null. When no UIType is provided, the UI control is based off the data type that is set against the property. You can find a list of possible UI types on Andrew Sutherlands blog titled Business Tools UI Hints and UI Types (scroll down to the UI Types section)
IsReadOnly Set to true to indicate this property cannot be edited in the Merchandising Manager. Default: false.
IsRequired Set to true if this property is required. Default: false.
ShowInList Set to false if this property should not be shown in the list view. Default: true.


You can also add validation attributes to your component.